Thursday, September 30, 2004


I'd like to write about my favorite form of traveling. In a Tuk-Tuk. They are these three-wheeled, open-air, diesel-gusling, air-poluting little taxis. Tiny little things that zoom around the city. They are everywhere. There is a bench behind the driver with room for two adults. There is no meter, so you have to negotiate a price before you get in. They like to take tourists for a ride- if you know what I mean :). It is tough to bargain if you don't know how far the place is you are going. But luckily there are many around, so you can take a stab and if you are way off, go to the next guy and bargain up to 5 Baht more.

They are so fun to ride in. It is great to be out in the thick of things, instead of seperated by a plate of glass. Although sometimes the A/C in a taxi is just what you need. Especially if you don't want to inhale all the smog.

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

curly hair

Lovin the humid weather. The warmth wraps me up. It makes the cold showers pleasant and gives me a great excuse to get some Chai Yen (Thai Ice Tea). The best part about the humidity is that it is making my hair thick and curly! We love it.

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Ko Chang

Just got back from 5 days on Ko Chang (elephant Island). Which is off the Thailand Gulf near Cambodia- about a 4 hour bus and one hour ferry from BK ( I got to drive the boat part of the way).

It's paradise! Blue warm water, lush forrests, kindest people, and few 'farangs' (non-Thais). It was a great introduction to the laid-back nature of Thailand. I stayed in a bungalow just 20 yards from the waters edge, and most days I spent the majority of my time on the porch in front reading, writing, chatting with Dan, or gazing out at the occational fishing boat in the water. I'd swim each day. I'd walk into the little town each day and Dan made friends with a shop owner who didn't speak much English. She had a little place with about 5 tables, right on the street, and a 6 x 10 foot cooking area. The back was where she lived. We got soup from her. A clear broth with wide rice noodles, some meat, and some veggies. All Thai food is spicy, and this was no exception.

I went for a few runs. Such a nice way to see an area. Slower than a car, but faster than walking. And slow enough to say a few words to people I pass in the street. Most people live at their shops, and they are all open-air places, so there are many people to say hi to. I was a bit of a spectacle, because I don't think they have many runners in Thailand.

The highlight of the trip was Yom Kippur. I did it right this year. I didn't go more than 100 yards from the bungalow all day. Just sat on the porch writing and reading. Lots of reflecting. I looked back over my year. And spent a lot of time thinking about my goals for the upcoming year, my time in Thailand. I think I filled up a quarter of my journal. I took a few dips in the ocean of course. Chatted with some passerbyers. And I broke the fast with none other than chocolate!!!!

I will certainly make it back to Ko Chang this year. Hopefully I'll have some visitors to show the place to.

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Cell Phone Number

I got a new card for my cell phone.
My number here is 666-987-9638.
To help you remember: 666- yur w me too. Does that help? I'll try to think of something better.

All smile, all the time

Life moves slower here. We just sit and chat for an hour. Asking the concierge a question takes 25 minutes because we get into a long conversation about Thai and English languages. There is always lots of smiling and laughing involved in any conversation. A dozen prophetic signs at the airport said "All smile, all the time." A perfect description for the Thais and for me in the upcoming year!

I've learned a few words, but it doesn't come easily. Hello is Sawat -dii kha. I can also say thank you, good, no, temple, and noodles. At Adam's suggestion I learned "Beautiful shirt" which is a great conversation starter. I have a lot to learn. I can't wait to take a class.

Today has been more adventures and some taking care of business. I can't believe I haven't even been here 48 hours. I am alreay 90% on the right sleeping schedule. Last night was 12-7am. Today we saw an Olympic ice-cream making contest. I also got my cell phone squared away, got my last rabies shot (at 4% of the cost it was in the US).

Dan and I also bought tickets to go to Koh Chang (elephant Island) tomorrow till Monday. It's an adventure and I'm along for the ride.

Initial impressions

I haven't even been here 24 hours and I feel like I've seen a billion things. How fabulous is this city? I am SO HAPPY. I can see a year here flying by.

I only slept a couple hours last night b/c of jet lag and because I was so excited to get my adventure started. I can't believe I'm here in Thailand.

I already had some adventures. I met up with Dan Caplan, a gregarious guy. 3 degrees of seperation type of deal. He's been here before and knows how to get around. We went on a boat ride and got off at one of the billions of Temples. We made friends with some monks there. One guy invited me to stay with him and his family any time I am back in Bangkok area. We did lots of walking and I took my first tuk-tuk ride, little canopy covered, 3-wheeled bench. You have to bargain with the driver for a price and he usually has no regards for traffic rules.

My initial impressions of Bangkok
1) it's hot
2) everything is super cheap. Internet at a cafe is about $.75 an hour. My 30 minute cab ride was under $6. A 30 minute massage was $5.
3) Thais are SO NICE. I know that's cliche, but it's so true.
4) It's smoggy
5) Life is lived on the sidewalks; everything you need is right there.

I checked out some markets today. I'm restraining myself from all the inexpensive clothing. We'll see how long it lasts.

Saturday, September 18, 2004

I left my heart in San Francisco

Stopped over in San Francisco to see my peeps and break up the long trip (28 hours all together). I love this city and the people here. Got to see the Red Sox beat the Yankees at one of my old stomping ground bars. Had an omlette and some sushi. Swung by school and got a million hugs from all my kids.

I am full of nervous energy about the trip. So much is ahead and unknown. It's all really happening now. Adam has gotten me SO excited about what lies ahead. All the adventure and growth. He has put the trip into a great perspective. I can't believe I'll be there in 20 hours. Off to Asia for a year. OH MY GOD!

I will miss SF so much. What an amazing city. I'll be back.

Thursday, September 16, 2004

Photo Op

I did a really fun photo shoot for Matt's dad. Check out some of the best shots at So cool!!!

Sunday, September 12, 2004

David's Best Bridesmaid

off to a new world

I am writing from Newton, MA. The dust is still setteling from David's wedding. And I am still unpacking my life from the last three years in San Francisco. But I am also packing a small backpack to sustain me in Thailand for the next year. REI is my new favorite store.