I haven't even been here 24 hours and I feel like I've seen a billion things. How fabulous is this city? I am SO HAPPY. I can see a year here flying by.
I only slept a couple hours last night b/c of jet lag and because I was so excited to get my adventure started. I can't believe I'm here in Thailand.
I already had some adventures. I met up with Dan Caplan, a gregarious guy. 3 degrees of seperation type of deal. He's been here before and knows how to get around. We went on a boat ride and got off at one of the billions of Temples. We made friends with some monks there. One guy invited me to stay with him and his family any time I am back in Bangkok area. We did lots of walking and I took my first tuk-tuk ride, little canopy covered, 3-wheeled bench. You have to bargain with the driver for a price and he usually has no regards for traffic rules.
My initial impressions of Bangkok
1) it's hot
2) everything is super cheap. Internet at a cafe is about $.75 an hour. My 30 minute cab ride was under $6. A 30 minute massage was $5.
3) Thais are SO NICE. I know that's cliche, but it's so true.
4) It's smoggy
5) Life is lived on the sidewalks; everything you need is right there.
I checked out some markets today. I'm restraining myself from all the inexpensive clothing. We'll see how long it lasts.
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