Monday, December 13, 2004

watch your step

I went for a run with the Phenom Pehn Hash House Harriers. Like in Chiang Mai we went to a place far from the city center and were running in a small village. Luckily it wasn't anything like the jungle run in CM and we stayed to roads and clear paths. There was one time for about 20 yards we were running in a forest. I was very careful to step exactly where the guy in front of me stepped, but a little distance back. Don't want to find a land mine.

At the end there is a little drinking and some gentle hazing. I had to introduce myself and as I said I was from the U.S. the group, largely made up with non-american ex-pats, let out a collective moan. I was so taken aback I didn't even have time to say that I didn't vote for George Bush.

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