Monday, January 17, 2005

We're not in Kansas anymore

Well I made it to Thailand. Back, I should say. I'm with the Peace Corps and so far all is swell; still in the honeymoon phase, you might say. There are 50 of us here. We all met in LA on the 11th, and had a few hours of pre service training to do some logistics. Most people are a couple years younger than I am, altho there are a bunch my age or just older, and 4 over 45. Half are here for TCCO ( teacher coordination and comunity outreach), which I am doing. And half are here for CBOD (Community Based Organizational Development). My group will be co-teaching in a middle school as well as doing some community outreach. I am actually trying to switch to the other group so I can work more closely with small businesses and help with product development and marketing.

We have 10 weeks of training in a province about 2 hours NW of Bangkok. In 2 days we head to our homestay where we will be in a house in a small village with 3 other people nearby. In these small groups we will have language classes and training. Then in the end of March we have our swearing in and head to our permament site. I won't know where that is for a while yet.

The weather has been unseasonably cold which is nice. Oh! Tomorrow we get these fancy mountain bikes. Shocks and everything. What else? The food is amazing as always. We haven't really left the compound much, but tomorrow we'll head to the market. We have a language assignment to buy a sarong at the market. If they only knew how much experience I have shopping in Thai markets....

Other news is that I want to do a half marathon on March 19th in BKK. Come visit!

Thanks for all who wrote emails. Keep them coming. Once I get to my site I'll know better about how often I'll be able to check. It may only be an hour every week or so.

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