Thursday, March 30, 2006

Health Volunteer training

Today was day 2 of a great project we've been working on. The same woman that did that HIV prevention/ Life Skills workshops in January and I have planned a training for the health volunteers in my town. These 30 peeps (and 4 people living w HIV/AIDS) have come together to learn about HIV/AIDS, prevention techniques, and Life Skill games. They all know each other so it's a fun casual atmosphere and we're all having fun with the games especially.

Tomorrow is the most important day, in my eyes. Tomorrow we teach them the process for them to put on a small workshop in thier villages. We will lead them through the process of figuring out what is needed in their village, be it training on teeth care, to food preparation, to Sex Ed. We will help them plan the training and go through all the details of budgeting/funding, inviting participants, making a schedule.

I am so excited because if all goes well these volunteers will have the skills to put on workshops whenever they see a need in their community.

The group doing a pick-me up song and dance kinda like head, sholders, knees, and toes, but a lot more fun. It was an elimination game to get volunteers for a role-play. A team-building excercise 'The human-knot.'Testing to see if she 'has' HIV after a game of water sharing representing how HIV can be transfered.

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