Saturday, September 02, 2006

Address in NY

Ever have Progresso soup? The ones in the big blue cans. Well if you haven't you should! Every trip to Safeway always included a trip to the Safeway aisle when I was living in San Francisco. And concurrent with typing I'm eating my first scrumptious bowl in 2 years.


I'm here. It's official, I'm a New Yorker. Hopefully with a little less of the requisite attitude than the stereotype.

I have a cute and cozy [read: little] studio apartment in the grad school housing. I have my own bathroom, but only a fridge and microwave to suffice as a kitchen in my room. My place is all decked out in the latest IKEA fashions.

Oh yeah, and that school thing. It's been a whirl-win of a few days. I'm sitting down to read through the stack of papers I've received. And classes don't even start for 4 days. I've had a few orientation exercises. Met a few people. There are loads of new students in many many programs here. I'm looking forward to meeting lots more people over the next few days and semester. And excited to hang out with all the people I already know in the city.

For all of you who want to visit, or send expensive gifts, here's my new address:

Rachel Bobruff
517 West 121st St
Apt #1005N
New York, NY 10027

Cell: 347-551-0522

I have a large window here that looks out to the south side of the building and many other buildings here in Morningside Heights. Rain is beating against my beautiful big window;it's my first gray New York evening. I'm ready to hunker down with my bowl of soup and then maybe a bubble bath. Ahh, the exciting life of a New Yorker.

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