Thursday, November 30, 2006

I just went out for a 15 mile run

and just got back from a 4.5 mile run. WHAT?? It did not go as planned. After about a mile I couldn't fully feel my right foot and I felt like I was dragging it as a lead weight. I have never had this happen before and I think it's from all the running I'm doing on the Columbia track which is really small and results in lots of turning- which means lots of extra strain on my right shin. It's either that or the whopper hills on the Thanksgiving 7 miler. I would never even entertain the thought that it might be from the day in tight ski boots last week.

About 2 months ago I started noticing the weirdest sensation when I was running. It was almost as if I felt I was going to trip, but not exactly. On Friday I was able to recognize the feeling. Friday was the first day on the slopes in 2 years!!! Skiing!! Oh, how I have missed you. I'm happy to report that I didn't forget completely how to ski. Certainly my form got a little sloppy. And my GS skis from racing days were a little too much for me to handle at times. But who cares?? And besides I can blame it on the poor conditions. The Friday after Thanksgiving is traditionally the first day of skiing for the Bobruffs, and usually the mountains have been open at least a week at this point. Well Okemo, where we skied, was only on it's second day of the season, and they had to bus us up to the lift to the one trail that was open.

Notice the bare ground off the trail on the left where the didn't make snow.

I hope there will be lots of skiing this year. I'm headed to my old Colorado stomping grounds in Jan. And I joined the Columbia ski team. I think it's lot like the Amherst team was, with 30% of it's focus on partying and not very competitive even when there is competition.

When I was testing out my ski feet last Friday there were certainly a couple heart-in-throat moments when I caught a ski tip and my momentum was thrown off wack. And I noticed that's exactly the sensation I'm getting when I'm running. It's like I have phantom skis and am catching the tip on thick snow and have to check my balance. Weird, eh? I've heard of phantom feelings when someone loses an arm or leg. I guess my body feels like it's lost an appendage without skis on.


Bobo said...

First, I've lost sensation while running due to an onset of Raynaud's usu. caused from the pounding of the running combined with the cold. And don't be modest - while it might have felt awkward (the first day always does!) - your form was graceful as always!
I'm eager to hear more about the Columbia ski team. Is it the undergrad team, or something else? Do you race USCSA? Do tell . . .

Rachel said...

Thanks for the skiing compliment. The ski team is for the whole University and yes, I will race with USCSA.