Sunday, August 28, 2005

3rd place finish!!

Today there was a big race in my town. There was a 3.5 Km, a 10km, and a 21.1 Km (which is a half marathon). I ran the half marathon, with some fabulous success!!!

The race start was much like many race starts I've been to before. There were lots of feindly people in good spirits, sign ups, and a big start line. But different is so many ways too. People weren't streching. There was no big clock, or chips on our shoes; just a gun shot and we were off.

Actually before we were off we all grouped together at the start line. There were about 200 runners so I was able to get pretty close to the start. I was chatting w people (all Thais, except one guy foreigner who I never talked to, so I don't know his deal) about where people were from and how much they had run before. Many people were from my Province or nearby ones. A handful of people were from Bangkok. As I was chatting I spotted a bunch of my students along the barrier fence. Many of them were running the 3.5 K. I tried to get them to chant my name, but they didn't really get it. So I settled for a starting line sholder and arm massage from all the kids.

We started at 5:30 in the dark, but it was still really hot. I was sweating a lot by the 2nd km. The startline faced a huge staircase leading up a hill to the most famous Temple in my town. And we ran to another huge, gorgeous temple. Then we turned around. The course was flat! and we went through the town center and out by lots of rice fields and forested areas. We even went by my house where I had a little cheering squad!

There were not many cheerers along the course. When we went by houses or shops people sort of stared at us not really knowing what was going on. So I was a one-man cheering squad. I was passed by the fastest 10km runners (who had a later start time) so I was able to clap and encourage them. And since it was a turn around course I was able to cheer for people once they, and then I, turned around. It was all well recieved.

A little before the half way point I stopped doing my walk breaks and picked up the pace. I started passing people too. With about 3 km left I passed a women who immdiatly picked it up and passed me and stayed about 30 feet in front of me untill we had a half km left and I was able to pass her again. I felt like I was sprinting those last 3 kilometers. And to say I wasn't a little naseous would be a lie.

Anyway, I was able to come in ahead of her which, unbenounsed to me, put me in 3rd place for women 18-29 years old. I was brought up to the stage, given a nice tropy, and 500 Baht (the equivalent of 2 days paycheck). But of course I couldn't take the money because it is against Peace Corp policy.

Unfortunatly I didn't have my camera to take any pictures of all of this. But I met some friends at the finish, and made some friends too. My new friends took lots of pictures so I will publish them soon. For now I have added a picture of the famous temple in my town. The starting line faced the stairs (after which we took a sharp right).

Oh, and the other cool thing. By total coincidence I beat my time of my last half marathon by 6 seconds!!! I ran the whole thing in 2 hours 10 minutes and 20 seconds. That puts my mile average at under 10 minutes (by a hair).

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