Just got back from a great weekend. It is always fun when a bunch of Peace Corps Volunteers get together. About 20 of us met up in a city in the Northeast of Thailand. It's a big city, but with so many of us, wherever we went we sort of took over the place. Saturday a bunch of the guys had planned a 2-on-2 basketball tournement. It started downpouring about 15 minutes after they started, but since it was still so warm we all played in the pouring rain. We had a 4-on-4 game; no dribbling, and 2 steps maximum when you have possesion. So much fun to play in the rain. I even got a basket! We also hit up a few 'farang' [western] restaurants and discoteques in the town. Sometimes, after lots of time in my conservative town only speaking Thai, there is nothing that makes me happier than to put on my high heels and hit the dancefloor. Even if it means I have to travel 12 hours each way to get there!!
On my way to meet up w everyone I spent a night with an American friend in Bangkok. It was amazing just to have TV. I stayed up way to late watching news about Katrina and Agassi playing in the Open. I was on 7th heaven as I sank into a real couch and had a comforter to pull up over me. The feeling of sinking into a comfy couch should not be taken for granted. Most 'couches' in Thailand are wood benches with no padding.
Next to your co-teachers and Thai friends you look so tall, but then you look like Rach again standing next to your Peace Corps friends.
The gender ratio seems to be in your favor...good girl!
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