This is a picture from our confrence last week. It's Me, Tara, Carolyn, Jordan, Kate, Brooke, and Lindsey. We're at our program training officers house in Bangkok with our entire PC group for a yummy mexican dinner. The night before Brooke decided she wanted all our 'girls' to have matching shirts so as we walked down Khao San Rd in Bkk we looked around and found Adidas (knock-offs) in many sizes and colors.
So these are some of the kids I talk with on a regular basis. And the ones I'm usually with when I take trips.
Jordan is the closest PCV to me. She lives 30 kms from me and is the only other PCV in my province. We pretty much only see each other at confrences or trips bc she spends a lot of time with her boyfriend. They're the first couple (with another probable) from our group to get engaged.
Lindsey lives the farthest from me. Way up in the north-east corner of the north-east of Thailand. When we all got our site assignments there was a big map with pins and her pin was in Laos! Lindseys a fun one. Never a dull moment when she's around. As with all my girls, i love hanging out with Linds. If only she weren't always broke and unable to join.
Brooke loves the color pink! And she supports my green habit. She bought be an adorable hair elastic with a sequined flower . So Thai! I had had a yellow one that Lindsey thought was so gaudy and would always tease me about- so the green one was a nice jesture. Brooke lent me the entire Desperate housewives series!! Currently she's back in the states to see family, friends and to shop. Brooke has a shopping problem.
Carolyn can drop some Baht at the bangkok malls too. Carolyn is a Texas girl and she tells it like it is. When we were in Chiang Mai for Song gran she made up a drinking game to a chick flick on TV. Every time I made an 'ahh' or 'ooh' bc I thought something sappy was cute everyone had to drink. Can I help it if I think romance is sweet? Carolyn lives in really rural thailand with her dog Lucky. Tomorrow I'm going to go see her house and meet her friends!!!
Kate is a Jersey girl. And I just found out that she really likes to sing along to music when she's driving. Kate also has a dog that she likes to say is a dalmation, but it's really a thai mutt. Kate was by my side my birthday/marathon weekend in bkk. She ran her first half marathon that day! Don't let us loose in a supermarket together. We decided it was a good idea to buy brownie mix even though we didn't have a stove because we wanted to eat it raw. Thankfully it's still sitting on my shelf.
Tara, like Jordan, grew up overseas. This girl has been everywhere, and has the charisma and the know-with-all that comes along with picking up and moving every few years. She is passionate about many issues and articulate when discussing them or advicating for them. And she's a great partner on the dance floor. Tara exudes kindness and always knows the right thing to say. When in a situation of doubt I think 'What would Tara do?' (WWTD)
I could go on and on about them all. And there are many more fabulous PCVs I am close with who aren't in the picture. But this is what you get for now.
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