Saturday, May 06, 2006

Saying goodbye

April 20-

David, Jen, and I headed back to Bkk, this time staying at one of the swankiest hotels, the Shangra-la. It was so nice Jen and David didn't even want to leave to sight see in bkk. We spent lots of time just chillin by the pool.

Then I had to say bye to them.... All in all it was a fabulous trip. No one wanted to kill anyone after spending 3 weeks side-by-side. I was so happy to be able to show a little bit of my life to David and Jen, and we all got to enjoy the sights of Thailand together. And we even went to couple new spots that I'd never been to. Of course I loved the lavish conditions we were living in. David and Jen really "took-care" as the Thais say. Having D&J here was a nice point of reference to how much I've changed since I've arrived in Thailand. For one, I can navigate this country, knowing both the language and culture. And while explaining certain cultural sensitive things D&J needed to do it was amazing how much the culture is different. Many things I couldn't even articulate about.

It was also interesting to see how much I think my attitudes has shifted. I feel I have adopted the Thai values in some ways. I certainly value being 'right' and not misunderstood a lot less than I did. And I value having fun, getting along, and enjoying the company of those around me alot more.

I know a lot has changed bc this is the way the Thai and American people in Thailand I interact with act, but I hope I can keep this up even when I'm back in the states. It was hard not to argue back when David would start disagreeing just for Devil's advicates sake.

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