Saturday, August 05, 2006

I survived the 24 hours of plane rides....

aaahhhh [deep sigh]. It feels good to be home. I'm back in San Francisco and it just feels fabulous. It's a little freaky how everything seems pretty much the same. I feel like I've been on the other side of the world (I guess because I have) and that so much has happened in my life, but things seem pretty much the same here. Oh but it feels so good!

There's a good chance I might die though. It's walking across the road that will do me in. I did such a good job training myself to look right at road crossings in Thailand because they drive on the left side of the road, that it's instinctual when I get to a road. Here I look right as I step out onto the road, but then remember to look left and then cars are coming and AAAAAAAAAhhhhhhh. Now I'm just so confused. I guess it would help if I didn't walk into the road so whilly nilly, as if I were still in a small village.

In other news my digestion track is not accepting this American food. Problems started within 20 minutes of the first American meal we were served on the plane. And continue with everything I eat here. Even my insides turned Thai while I was gone.

I've been staying with Laura and again it feels like nothing has changed. We picked up right where we left off. In this instance I'm glad nothings changed. I was so afraid when I left for Peace Corps that my friendships with those I love would disappear because of the distance, but I should not have fretted so, those who are true friends will always be there. It is so reassuring.

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