Sunday, August 06, 2006

My mind is still in Thailand

Have you ever lived far away from home and had the little things from home mean that much more to see? Like when I was in San Francisco I would get so excited when I saw a Mass liscence plate, or a Red Sox hat. Every time I saw one I would get excited, even the first few days I would be visiting Massachusettes. "Oh look, someone wearing a Red Sox hat, how cool.... Oh wait. We're in Boston."

Well I'm getting that exciting feeling in the same way. That's how I feel when I see white people. I have to remind myself I'm back in America now.

I thought I'd be freaking out a lot about the cost of everything. Because compared to Thailand everything is so expensive. But I've been doing really well. Maybe American dollars still feel a little like play money, the way Thai Baht did when I first arrived in Thailand. Maybe everything is just a little surreal so it's ok to spend because this all feels like a vaction or just not real life.

I've been doing pretty well about not speaking Thai (at least outloud). When I pass someone or bump someome I instinctually start to say "Kaw toad ka" which means 'excuse me.' It feels good to still be instinctually Thai. It will be sad when I say "excuse me" automatically.

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