Monday, January 01, 2007

Rabbit Rabbit

HAPPY NEW YEARS 007!! Everyone having a good National Hung-Over Day? Hope you're not too hung over. And that you remembered to say "Rabbit Rabbit" for good luck this morning.

I'm not sure whether I love New Years as much as Halloween, but it's certainly either my second or 3rd favorite holiday (March 18th- my birthday gets #1 status). Oh and thanksgiving. That's a favorite. Here's a recap of my recent New Years:

2000: Edinburgh w Drew Oberst. 3 day party in the streets with thousands and Fireworks over the castle at midnight. Then hiking up the hill to watch the first sunrise of the millennium over the city.

2001: I was waitressing that night in Breckenridge Colorado. But I was off by 10 and we stacked the tables and charged $15 at the door and it turned into a big party.

2002: New York City with Rachel Nisselson. 2 house parties.

2003: Rachel Nisselson's house party in Millbrook NY w Allie, Megan, and a dozen others.

2004: Rural VT with camp friends. There was lots of sledding, a big bonfire, and a sweatlodge.

2005: Boston w Rachel Nisselson and Drew Oberst. Champagne and fondue at my place then a house party and eventually a bar in Boston.

2006: Southern islands of Thailand with Rach Nisselson and a dozen Peace Corps friends.

2007: Yesterday started with a scavenger hunt throughout Brooklyn. It was organized by Isabel and her friends from Hamilton college. There was an impressive showing. And the event itself was amazingly organized. By 4 we were out on the town in 5 teams of six or seven people. We had to get a digital picture of the entire team in front of a variety of landmarks, like the Brooklyn bridge. The best part was the bonus points for things like 'everyone on a roof'
or 'driving a cab.'

Mad props to my team: '007: license to hunt' We won. Here's our ham:

After everyone returned we had yummy food and more people joined and we had a fun house party. At 10 I went over to Rachel Nisselson's to ring in our 5th New Years together.

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