Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Skiing makes me a superhero.

I went skiing on Sunday with the fam. The snow was great, but the precipitation was 'winter mix' which means sorta rain, sorta snow, sorta hail coming out of the sky. The coolest part of it was that when the H2O substance hit us, it froze, coating us in a layer of ice. On the goggles it resulted in seeing difficulties. On the jackets it resulted in cool web formations from the ice cracks when we moved.

Everyone had Spiderman- webs all over our jackets. I had this song in my head all day (except I could only remember the first line and forgot the tune):

Spider-Man, Spider-Man,
Does whatever a spider can.
Spins a web, any size.
Catches thieves- just like flies.
Look out! Here comes the Spider-Man.

Is he strong? Listen bud.
He's got radioactive blood.
Can he swing, from a thread?
Take a look, overhead.
Hey there! There goes the Spider-Man!

In the chill of night, at the scene of a crime,
like a streak of light,
he arrives, just in time!

Spider-Man, Spider-Man,
friendly neighborhood Spider-Man.
Wealth and fame? He's ignored.
Action is his reward. To him,life is a great big bang-up.
Wherever there's a hang-up,
you'll find the Spider-Man !!"

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