Saturday, August 06, 2005

chillin out

After many weekends of travel and teaching till 8pm every night for the past few weeks. I have not left the house farther than 40 feet all day. It has been fabulous to organize, check email, and read. Of course, I did have my mayor friend and his family come over for lunch. in a little bit I'm going to go out to get a shake. I found a little shop that makes amazing pinapple shakes, w a little bit of lemon. Mmm. I'm getting hungry. Then I'll head over to my friends, Jeeda and Wendy's house to hang out. Of course then I need to come home and pack because tomorrow I go to Bangkok for a 3 day confrence w Peace Corps on Gender Development. I'm going w a co-teacher and Principle and hope to inspire them to do some female empowerment stuff w the girls at our school. After Bangkok I'm going way up North (almost to Laos) to meet up w some Volunteers and see my friends town.

Things have been busy in town lately which is good... I have been spending my evenings at english classes for nurses. It is good to be helping, but it doesn't do much good for my reputation that I am seen as an English Book. That is, people see me as a tool to learn English. While that is well and good, and I am certainly doing a lot of that, I want to do other things as well. I want to work on some projects that are sustainable after I leave. The US Govt just gave PC Thailand a huge amount of money, so I have up to $3000 USD to do a project having to do w AIDS/HIV. I am talking w some nurses and we are thinking we will do some training to help people living w AIDS learn an income generating skill, or we will do some AIDS prevention training.


Anonymous said...

Rach, I want to hear all about the gender conference, specifically whether the Thai feel there is a sensible alternative to prostitution!
The blog is a great way for us to communicate. I can't access hotmail or yahoo from work and I've been nabbed for sending personal correspondence from my work email account. At least this way I can say hi. Hi!
Love, Allie

Anonymous said...

Hi babes,
I started an email to you last night on Zack's pda and then somehow lost it. Curses! Yes, our wedding date is September 16, 2006. Save the date! I just sent a letter to you with more wedding info; be on the lookout.
Love you,