Friday, August 18, 2006

coming up next, cranberry oreos.

Tonight was my first attempt at Thai food in an American kitchen. Making food for my family in my Newton kitchen was something I often imagined as I perfected my Thai cooking skills during Peace Corps.

It all turned out yummy and was a fun night, but the highlight of the experience for me was food shopping. Entering the supermarket was a dream come true.

I almost hate to say this, but coming back from Thailand feels like I have a second lease on life. I don't mean to say Thailand was like a terminal disease that I just narrowly escaped. It's the exact opposite. It was such an amazing experience it gave me a new perspective on life. Just how lucky we are here in America.

I made a vow once in Thailand that I will thank the higher powers every time I get in a hot shower. I know this vow has a shelf life, but for now I am still so thankful every time I get in the shower. And last week I even had the treat of a bubble bath. Life is good here...

So the supermarket. SO SO SO much food right at your fingertips. Cheeses and turkey and blueberries and crackers and root beer and Ben&jerry's and salad bars and all the amazing food I haven't had in 2 years. All just a credit card swipe away.

I spent a lot longer than necessary just wandering up and down every aisle and looking at all the food and shiny packaging. Did the same thing at CVS. In Thailand I had about 3 choices for shampoo, here, we have what, a gazillion? I feel like a kid in a candy store.

While so much is the same as when I left, there seem to be so many new products out. Did you know there are about 12 kinds of oreos? regular, double stuff, mint stuffed, peanut butter stuffed, chocolate stuffed, chocolate on the inside and white on the outside, mini oreos.... Oh the decisions.

1 comment:

Bobo said...

And you've never even been to a Wegman's.