Sunday, October 29, 2006


Happy Halloween. This is one of the best holidays ever invented and apparently I'm not the only one who feels this way. Last year American shelled out $3.3 Billion on the holiday. That's second only to Christmas!

I was inspired to be Raggety Ann by Brooke one day in Bangkok last July. She was sitting around in the front of Tae Wez guesthouse, our bangkok home away from home, and I walked in with Tara after a meeting at Peace Corps (shoulders were covered- fret not). I was wearing my new blue dress that we had just bought on Khao San Rd for 150 baht (about $4). She asked how many people told me the dress looked like Raggey Ann. And a halloween costume was born!!!

Saturday I went out to the bars in the East Village with 2 school girls, a pirate, Clark Kent (in transition to Superman), and some peeps in fun wigs. I was SO impressed with all the great costumes I saw. The best was a Gillian (of the Island) look-alike. At some point our crowd decided to go to a fancy club for dancing. When we got there the line was blocks long and would have taken forever to get to. So we went across the street to a lesser club. I guess we weren't even cool enough for the lesser club because they wouldn't let us past the velvet ropes.

No Andy for this Raggety Ann. The pirate threw him overboard. Hence the tatoo: RIP Andy.

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