Friday, October 20, 2006

a new season

The winds are whirling around and picking up the leaves that have fallen to the ground. The smell of fall is in the air. Gloves and scarves are now part of the recommended attire.

Today I went downtown to meet an alum who is working for a marketing company. I had applied to an internship opportunity in brand valuating. Basically they look at a brand, such as Sports Illustrated Magazine, on many different characters and rate them as a way to understand the marketing direction to take. For example: how feminine is it? How athletic is it? How techy is it? etc. FUN! But I didn't get the job. So I'm looking into other marketing possibilities. It seems like a job that has both analysis and strategy, and that it's something I'd love. But I'm not sure, so I want an internship in order to test out the waters. I'm looking both into firms like the one I applied to, and individual companies who would have an in-house marketing division, like Sesame Street or J. Crew.

I hope that soon I'll be able to work 10-15 hours a week at an internship, but it may not start till next semester.

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