Monday, October 09, 2006

What's in a name?

Some of you may have noticed my blog introduction still says I'm in Thailand. Yes, I'm having trouble letting go a little. I certainly still want to connect with being in Thailand. I can't believe it's already been 9 weeks since I left.

I know how lucky I am to be in America. And one of the reasons I'm acclimating so well is all the support I'm getting from people in Thailand. When I left at least half a dozen PC friends told me they were jealous I was leaving. In fairness, I think it was just a general low point in the 2 year cycle of PC Thailand. But friends in Thailand have been wonderful about asking how life is in America. They all want to know about what I'm eating and how classes are and where I'm out and about in NY. I think some people are having moments of vicarious american life through me. That's great because I'm vicariously living in Thailand through them.

I've been calling Peace Corps friends over there about once a week or so. Text messaging too. It has been nice to keep up on the gossip of Peace Corps life, but at the same time it's not like being there. I've been chatting with Thai friends too. And recently my thai friends have been emailing me!! I taught them email while I was there and we have been writing every couple days.

Mostly I write in what they call 'Thai Kareoke.' It's Thai writen in English letters at the bottom of Kareoke screens. It means phonetic Thai. So 'hello' in Thai is สวัสดี and in Thai Kareoke is Sawadee.

While I can get by reading Thai slowly, I can't write well at all. For example, the Thai alphabet has 4 or 5 letters that have the same sound as 's' depending on the tone. It's all beyond me.

For now enough of my life is lived mentally in Thailand that I'm not letting go of my blog title yet. Besides, I've been keeping these posts mostly Thailand related. It's one of my 3 PC missions- to share Thai culture with Americans. So in this way I'm still a PC Volunteer.

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