Friday, October 15, 2004

hot and sweaty

The weather in Chiang Mai is a little cooler than in Bangkok. But it is still hot and humid. We are at the end of the rainy season and the weather is going to get even a little cooler. I don't know the exact temp cuz everything here is in C.

I had my second Thai lesson this morning. It is slow going. The tones are killer.
And I've been walking around the CM University trying to get a job. Nothing so far, but I met a nice guy from California who has been teaching here for 14 years. He says I should just show up on the first day and they almost always need teachers. He also said I will have no problem finding a job somewhere which is encouraging. He also told me I'm going to have major visa problems which is discouraging.

I am hot and sweaty from walking around campus all day. Thais don't walk much. They always drive on their scooters or cars. I've also been traveling in "Sung-tows" which litterally means "two-rows". They are basically pickup trucks with a metal canopy over the back and two rows of benches along the sides. That is their form of taxi in CM. They also have Tuk-tuks which I think I already wrote about. Either way you have to bargin a price with the driver before you get in.

I am going to check out a bar nearby which is supposed to have lots of ex-pats who are teachers and work at NGOs. I hope someone will be able to help with a job. I stumbled across a new language school that is looking for English Teachers. They were very interested in me. Should be good....

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