Sunday, October 10, 2004

Thai dii nit-noy

I forgot to share the hightlight of my market expereince yesterday.

Just after I got to the market I went up to a vendor to get these little fried eggs. They have a grill about the size of a large serving plate with little half-circle divits- about 1.5 in diameter. It looks like a big, black painters pallate. And they crack these little eggs- I'm not really sure from what bird- into each one. One 50 cent order is for about 10 of these eggs, served with vinegar on a bed of cabbage. Yummy ('Alloy' in Thai).

I spoke to the man only in Thai: saying hello, asking how much, ordering, and thanking him. He spoke only in Thai to me too. As I was leaving I heard him tell his partner (in Thai) that i speak Thai well. I turned around and smiled and said 'nit-noy' ('a little bit'). He clearly got a kick out of the whole thing, and i did too.

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