Saturday, October 09, 2004

Market Madness

Spent the day at the big weekend market. They have over 15,000 stalls. I spent 5 hours there and probably saw 30%. There is everything you could imagine. Lots of pets- fish, birds, cats, dogs. Lots of clothing, and lots of bags. Lots of everything. And food everywhere. Since I am still not settled and still have traveling I didn't want to get a lot of stuff to have to schlep around. So I ended up buying lots of food. LOTS!! It is all so good.

I sat at lunch with a honeymooning couple from Sydney. The man was wearing a Yankees hat. I asked him why he would do such a thing, his reply "To keep the sun out of my eyes." I told him I thought he could find many things less embarrasing to wear for that purpose. There is a lot of Yankee paraphanalia. I especially saw a lot of people wearing their gear in Honk Kong.

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